Ruthless Troika has Syriza in its grip

Ecstatic crowds greet the ‘NO’ vote against the Troika’s austerity not knowing it will be betrayed by Syriza
Ecstatic crowds greet the ‘NO’ vote against the Troika’s austerity not knowing it will be betrayed by Syriza

THE Greek Industry, Environment and Industry Minister Panos Skourletis stated on Tuesday that a general election could be called this autumn once the new austerity agreement, the third bail-out, between the Greek government and the EC-IMF-ECB troika has been signed.

The Greek Prime Minister and SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras met with the party’s Political Secretariat and a decision was taken to hold a Congress as early as possible. SYRIZA’s Central Committee will be meeting today to take the final decision.

The Committee is split right down the middle between those supporting Tsipras’ decision to accept the new austerity accords and those who oppose his course of submission to the troika’s austerity accords. Tsipras’ plan, following a possible agreement with the troika by the end of August, is to hold the SYRIZA Congress and then call a general election.

Already Tsipras’ Ministers refer to SYRIZA’s Left Platform as a ‘minority’ claiming that most party organisations support the Prime Minister. But up to now both SYRIZA’s trade union section META and SYRIZA’s youth section oppose Tsipras as well as the biggest party organisations in Greece’s main cities of the capital Athens and the industrial ports of Piraeus and Thessaloniki.

Tsipras is in a dire position between workers’ anger against austerity and the troika’s ruthlessness in imposing the most savage austerity accords which will literally transform Greece into an EC puppet state. The troika’s scheme envisages that all government decisions have to be first discussed and approved by the troika before being debated in the Vouli (Greek parliament)!

In a statement issued on Wednesday SYRIZA’s META called on workers and trades unions to resist the new austerity measures through mobilisations.