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All lead news articles for the day

‘Schools can only remain open where it is safe for them to do so!’...

Dr Patrick Roach, General Secretary of the NASUWT teachers union, has called on the government to take further action on school safety in light...

PCS Heathrow strike ballot launched! – while TUC and Unite stress that they support...

THE PCS (Public and Commercial Services) union has served notice on the Home Office of its intention to ballot members at Heathrow Airport for...

Unite launch nine-day ‘ghost strike’ against 24% pay cut

BRITISH Airways Cargo workers begin nine days of strike action on Christmas Day, however their union, Unite, has called off all pickets. Under BA’s fire...

Tory borrowing breaks all records

GOVERNMENT borrowing broke all records soaring to historic heights in November, figures released yesterday show. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said borrowing hit £31.6bn...

1,500 Lorries Still Stuck

ONE THOUSAND five hundred lorries are still stuck in Kent unable to leave the UK as Tory PM Johnson and French President Macron thrash...

Dover shutdown threatens supplies – Johnson at loggerheads with Macron to ‘unblock the ports’

‘I WANT to update everyone on one thing and that is what has been happening at our borders in Dover,’ Tory PM Johnson said...

THE NHS IS IN DANGER! – warns BMA Council Chair Nagpaul

THE NHS is in danger of being overwhelmed by a surge of both Covid-19 and non-Covid cases, a new British Medical Association (BMA) survey...

Ealing Children’s Ward Must Be Re-Opened Urges Xmas Picket

THE WEST London Council of Action got a huge response at their Xmas picket at Ealing Hospital, yesterday morning. Shaihin, a paediatric nurse at Ealing...

Turned away from A&E!

GP SURGERIES will start receiving referrals from A&E departments under a new set of measures proposed by NHS England which were announced yesterday. The plans,...

‘CALL THE AIRPORT OUT’ – demand Heathrow strikers

FOUR thousand Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL) workers are taking the fourth of four days strike action today against the company’s imposition of twenty-five per...

‘A KICK IN THE TEETH FOR PASSENGERS!’ – TSSA condemns above inflation fare...

TSSA rail union General Secretary, Manuel Cortes, has rounded on the Government over plans for an inflation-busting rail fares increase in England next year...

Record redundancies! – JobCentre claimants rise to 2.7m

NEW OFFICE for National Statistics (ONS) figures released yesterday show a record rise in redundancies of 370,000 and a fall in the number of...

Bring All Airport Workers Out Now!

FOUR thousand Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL) Unite members came out on strike yesterday, with many demanding that the action should be united with British...

Covid-19 Crisis – London Moves To Tier 3!

‘WE MUST act now to shift the curve, when the virus develops exponentially there is not a moment to spare.’ This is what Matt Hancock,...

CALL THE WHOLE AIRPORT OUT! – to defend jobs, pay and conditions

‘CALL the whole airport out to defend all jobs, pay and conditions,’ striking Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL) worker, Jarnail Singh, said yesterday ahead of...

UK MUST DO WHAT IT IS TOLD! – or no deal say the EU...

EU LEADERS France’s Emmanuel Macron and Germany’s Angela Merkel – have been told the EU is unlikely to get a trade deal with the...

Heathrow – Unite steps up strike action

WORKERS at Heathrow Airport will next week step up strike action in their increasingly bitter dispute over massive wage cuts that the company is...

EU publishes plans for ‘no-deal’ scenario

THE EUROPEAN Union (EU) published yesterday its contingency plans for a ‘no deal scenario’ as post-Brexit trade deals with the UK remain deadlocked. The President...

‘Don’t cut Universal Credit!’ – Unite appeals to Chancellor Sunak

MORE than half the country wants chancellor Rishi Sunak to continue permanently with the £20-a-week uplift in Universal Credit (UC) due to end in...

Palestinian teen severely beaten!

A SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD Palestinian minor has told his lawyer that he was severely beaten while detained by Israeli occupation soldiers last week and that he...

BA 98% Vote For Strike!

CARGO workers at British Airways have voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action in the bitter dispute over the company’s plans to fire and...

EU-UK post-Brexit deal deadlock!

TALKS between the UK and EU broke up yesterday, as the two sides remained at loggerheads over a post-Brexit trade deal. Another deadline passed, but...

Labour Is Ready To Abstain Once Again – In The Coming Brexit Vote

LABOUR leaders refused to confirm whether they would vote in favour of a Brexit trade deal between the UK and the EU or abstain...

Frontline NHS staff must be vaccinated! – Many NHS staff have lost their...

FRONTLINE health and social care workers must be given every opportunity to have the Covid-19 vaccine, BMA council chair Chaand Nagpaul has said. Dr Nagpaul...

‘Big Four’ supermarkets pay back £1.7bn in Covid funds

SUPERMARKET giants Tesco and Morrisons have claimed almost £1bn worth of emergency finances between them – finances that were made available for shops that...

MASS VACCINATION CAMPAIGN – pushed by desperate Tories!

THE UK has approved the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine, paving the way for mass vaccination. Britain’s medicines regulator, the MHRA, says the jab, which offers up...

‘Unite Must Call All Of Its Members Out!’

‘CALL the airport out!’ striking worker Carlos Rodriguez said at the rally outside the union Unite’s headquarters on the outskirts of Heathrow Airport yesterday. 4,000...

‘Call the entire airport out!’ – demand Heathrow workers

Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL) workers are on picket lines today in the first of four days of strike action called to fight the savage...

Johnson Relying On Labour To See Him Through!

WITH around 100 rebel Tory MPs expected to vote against the new three tier lockdown system in the House of Commons tomorrow, the government...

IRAN ISSUES TRUMP ARREST WARRANT! – over Soleimani assassination

IRAN’S judiciary says it has formed a committee to chase and track down those accused of complicity in the US assassination of Iranian anti-terror...

TORIES SPLIT – Johnson faces revolt over new restrictions

‘I WANT to see this community testing which has been successful in Liverpool rolled out right across the tier three areas, as much as...

UK’s crisis has only just begun Sunak tells parliament!

CHANCELLOR SUNAK lifted a little of the lid off of the crisis of British capitalism yesterday when he told the House of Commons, in...

Israeli military attack anti-annexation protest

ISRAELI forces cracked down on an anti-annexation protest yesterday which was heading towards Khirbet Humsa al-Fawqa village, near Tubas in the northern Jordan Valley,...

Labour’s Starmer offers Johnson support for the ‘national effort’

‘LATER this week we will announce which areas will fall into which tiers,’ Tory PM Johnson told Parliament yesterday, speaking from Number 10, where...

Johnson relies on Labour support to get tougher tier system agreed!

TORY Prime Minister Johnson is expected to require Labour votes to get his new tougher tier system passed by the House of Commons next...

Public Sector pay freeze ‘A kick in the teeth for millions!’ say GMB

PUBLIC SECTOR employees, many of whom are essential Covid-19 workers, should not be subject to a continuing pay freeze from a government that has...

Trade unions must take action to restore the whip to Corbyn

TWENTY seven Labour MPs have signed a statement from the Socialist Campaign Group describing Labour leader Keir Starmer’s decision not to readmit Jeremy Corbyn...

Greek State Of Siege Is Defied

THOUSANDS of youth and workers participated throughout Greece in the annual Athens Polytechnic Uprising marches and mobilisations last Tuesday, defying a state of siege...

Corbyn will not have the whip restored! – now not officially a Labour MP

FORMER Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn will not have the party’s whip restored, his successor as Labour Party leader, Sir Keir Starmer has announced. The shock...

Doctor forces Tories to publish Cygnus in full!

A SIX-MONTH campaign led by an NHS doctor to have the full report into a pandemic preparation exercise published has successfully forced the Health...

Strikes will grind Heathrow to a halt

WORKERS at Heathrow Airport Ltd (HAL) are launching three 24-hour strikes over plans to fire and rehire its 4,000 workers on vastly reduced pay...

TORIES BREAKING APART! – Gove suspected of an anti-Johnson plot

SENIOR Tories sought to deny that the Tory government is breaking apart yesterday, with former Brexit Secretary David Davis congratulating PM Boris Johnson for...

CROYDON BUST! Councils across the UK to make savage cuts

CROYDON Council has gone bankrupt after racking up debts of £1.5bn. The council issued a rare Section 114 notice, effectively declaring itself bankrupt, on Wednesday...


NO DECISION has been made on how people under 50 should be offered a Covid vaccine, UK officials said yesterday. The UK’s Joint Committee on...

Suspend Ofsted inspections demands teachers union NEU – Exams for 2021 cancelled in Wales...

‘SUSPEND Ofsted inspections’ demanded Dr Mary Bousted, Joint General Secretary of the National Education Union (NEU) yesterday, responding to Ofsted’s second report into the...