UK-NATO attempt on Gadaffi’s life fails!


THE murderous attack on the home of Saif al Arab, the youngest son of Colonel Gadaffi, killed Saif and three grand children of the Libyan leader, but failed to kill the Libyan leader and his wife.

Hours before that attack Colonel Gadaffi had made a TV broadcast offering a ceasefire. NATO bombed Tripoli while he was making the speech.

The killing of his youngest son and three children was NATO’s murderous reply to Gadaffi’s ceasefire offer.

Yet Nato and the British Prime Minister are still trying to deny the absolutely obvious – that they are so desperate about being unable to remove Gadaffi and grab Libya’s oil, through using the Benghazi counter-revolutionaries, that they have embarked on a murder campaign, with a degree of cynicism that the mafia would envy and admire, but which is discrediting them throughout the world.

In fact, the US-UK has a track record as far as murder is concerned. In 1986 Gadaffi’s adopted daughter was killed in a UK supported US bombing raid.

The current truly desperate murder campaign carries with it great risks for British imperialism.

Some of these include that British imperialism will be forced to put ground forces into the field, and that the colossal expenses involved will result in bigger and bigger cuts having to be made, to the Health, Education and other vital budgets in the UK, stirring up revolution at home.

Other risks include the imperialist war, driving further forward the anti-imperialist revolutions that are taking place all over North Africa and the Middle East, resulting in a huge increase in oil prices and/or oil supplies to Britain being cut off.

It is clear that the reported destruction of the British ambassador’s residence in Tripoli and the Italian and French residences are just the beginning of a tidal wave of revolutionary anger that is going to strike at the major EU powers, and their economies.

That British imperialism is prepared to resort to murder is not new. What is new, is that both at home and abroad it is gripped by an enormous economic and political crisis, and is fighting for survival in the only way that it knows, to recolonise countries like Libya and to re-enslave the working class at home, through destroying its welfare state and all of its hard won basic rights.

The basic issue for the British working class is that it is against its interests that bloodsoaked British imperialism should succeed in murdering Gadaffi and recolonising Libya.

If it succeeds there, it will redouble its determination to have it out and attack the working class at home, this was the effect that victory in the Falklands (Malvinas) had on Thatcher.

British workers are beginning to understand that they are in the same trench as the Libyan masses struggling to hang onto their oil.

A victory for Colonel Gadaffi will be a huge defeat, and signify a fatal weakening of British imperialism and will be a victory for the working class.

Likewise, the trade unions bringing down the coalition in the UK and going forward to a workers government and socialism will be a real victory for the workers of Libya and the workers of the world.

UK workers must demand action by their trade unions against the NATO and coalition child killers.

This war must be stopped, and the way to do it is through a general strike that brings down the coalition to begin the British socialist revolution by bringing in a workers government that will expropriate the bosses and the bankers at home and bring in a planned socialist economy, and also give major support to the struggles of workers in Libya and all over the world.

Workers of the world unite!

The enemy is at home. Victory to Gadaffi and Libya!

Forward to the British socialist revolution!