Workers Revolutionary Party

Northern Gaza subjected to ‘heinous massacres’ for 20 days

YESTERDAY, the Palestinian news agency WAFA detailed that Northern Gaza is being subjected to ‘the most heinous massacres’ by Israeli forces for 20 days as the Israeli occupation forces deliberately displace Palestinian civilians completely from the area.

WAFA reports this ‘displacement’ is being driven by an intensification of aerial and artillery bombardment ‘by air and land, on residential areas that no longer exist, putting hospitals out of service, and preventing the entry of food and medicine supplies, which has exacerbated the famine in a frightening way’.

WAFA reported that the Zionist occupation army continues to blow up and burn homes and residential blocks in Jabalia camp and Saftawi and Tuwarn areas in a concerted drive to force civilians to flee to the south.

20 days of continual massacre from air and ground has resulted in dozens of slain people and wounded lying on the streets at the Beit Lahia project and Jabalia camp with the Israeli army preventing their transfer to hospitals.

These hospitals themselves are under siege as the occupation army targets the displaced, patients and medical staff when entering or leaving them.

This murderous onslaught on northern Gaza is in line with the so-called ‘Generals Plan’ for Gaza, drawn up by Israeli military and intelligence officials to ethnically cleanse Gaza by driving Palestinians out through terror, famine and disease.

There are currently 400,000 Palestinians sheltering in the north of Gaza and the main objective of the Generals’ Plan is to first force civilians in the north to flee in terror, then impose a complete siege.

Northern Gaza would be declared a ‘closed military zone’ and anyone remaining slaughtered. This is the murderous genocidal plan that is being carried out in northern Gaza with the explicit support of the US and UK governments.

With the so-called ‘Safe Zones’ in the south being bombed relentlessly throughout the genocidal war, many Palestinians are simply refusing to be driven out and are ignoring the order to evacuate being issued by Israeli military.

Gaza’s Interior Ministry said: ‘Israeli claims of safe zones in southern Gaza are lies as Israel commits crimes in all areas of the enclave,’ adding: ‘We call on citizens in northern Gaza to ignore Israeli threats.’

The Palestinians remain steadfast in their refusal to submit despite all the atrocities being carried out by a Zionist regime, supported and armed by the US and UK governments.

The complete silence of the TUC on the massacres being carried out daily in Gaza makes the TUC leaders as complicit as the Labour government in the genocide being committed against Palestinians.

The binding motion, passed unanimously at the last TUC conference for a ‘workplace day of action’ on 10th October was ignored by the TUC leaders with nothing organised and the motion deliberately sabotaged by a leadership that refuses to take any action despite the fact that millions of workers and young people are demanding real action to end genocide in Gaza.

Last Saturday, over 10,000 demonstrators took to the streets of London calling for an immediate end to Israel’s attacks on Gaza and the drive to exterminate Palestinians in the northern region.

Increasingly the demand for the TUC to call a general strike has been taken up by workers and youth as the only way to put an end to the support and complicity of this Labour government in genocide by bringing it down.

Workers and youth are demanding real action. This means demanding that the TUC call a Special Congress to immediately organise a general strike to kick out this Labour government and bring in a workers government that will end all support for Israel, recognise the state of Palestine and provide it with all the material support it requires for the victory of the Palestinian revolution.

TUC leaders who run from this fight must be sacked and replaced by a new leadership prepared to call a general strike and go forward to a workers government and socialism.

Join the WRP and Young Socialists to build up the revolutionary leadership required for the victory of the British socialist revolution and the victory of the Palestinian revolution.

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