Royal Mail Wants To Sell Mail Centres


ROYAL Mail is about to break its truce with the CWU that has lasted since before Christmas through January and February.

Latest reports suggest that it is seeking a deal with union negotiators that will allow it to sell off more than 30 mail centres.

Property companies are being approached to prepare the way to sell the first batch.

The mass sell-off that Royal Mail is considering is expected to raise over £500 million.

Royal Mail workers have already demonstrated against the closure of mail centres with the loss of hundreds of jobs.

This is in addition to waves of Crown Post Office and sub-post offices closures up and down the country, despite the protests of staff and users alike.

And last year postal workers came out on strike against a wave of sackings and bullying of staff expected to carry out even heavier workloads already at their ‘physical limit’, in the words of the CWU union leader Dave Ward.

Tens of thousands of Royal Mail workers have been sacked in recent years, leading to big increases in workloads for remaining staff and a worsening of services.

Royal Mail has not denied the reports.

It is expected that there will soon be a number of briefing meetings called to let CWU members know just what Royal Mail is demanding.

If an agreement is made, the proposals will be put to a ballot of the membership.