President Obama is for unilateralism, but not in his lifetime


PRESIDENT Obama, now in eastern Europe, has announced his vision of a world free of nuclear weapons, but has added that he does not think that this will happen in his lifetime.

This moral is rich indeed. The United States is the only state that has used nuclear bombs on civilians, twice, once at Hiroshima and then at Nagasaki killing hundreds of thousands.

The US was the first state to have nuclear weapons and rapidly built up a massive stockpile, forcing Russia to do the same or risk annihilation.

It has also encouraged its allies such as Israel to acquire at least 200 nuclear bombs, and Pakistan – as well as India – despite the fact that these two nations are at each other’s throats.

The US and its allies are armed to the teeth with nuclear weaponry, that they are expanding and modernising all of the time, like the UK’s Trident programme.

The imperialist bloc’s leader, President Obama’s announcement that he intends to give nuclear weapons up but not in his lifetime, goes one better than St Augustine. He told the Lord that he wanted assistance to give up sins of the flesh, but not just yet.

The fact of the matter is that Obama has not the slightest intention of getting rid of the US nuclear stockpile.

He is not even for a nuclear-free Middle East since that would mean its only nuclear power, Israel, having to give up its 200 nuclear bombs.

Obama has even retreated on his earlier suggestion that he would halt the building of a missile system in eastern Europe, on Russia’s borders.

His stance has been modified to one where this will take place only if Russia joins the US in insisting that Iran must give up its nuclear programme.

This is the essence of the matter. Obama is determined that countries such as Iran will not have independent nuclear energy systems, and therefore the basis for producing nuclear weapons, to counter the threat of annihilation from the US and Israel.

Likewise North Korea. Under Obama it has resumed being part of the Axis of Evil, liable to be severely punished if it develops nuclear power or advanced rocketry.

The US insists that only it and its allies will have access to nuclear power and weaponry.

In fact, the US has been amazingly understanding about its allies’ desire to have nuclear weaponry.

Pakistan acquired the know-how by stealing US secrets, and then sought to sell them to all comers!

Yet the Pakistani military, a key ally of the US, has been allowed to retain its nuclear capacity without any comeback from the US.

Yesterday, after North Korea launched a rocket, Obama said: ‘North Korea must know that the path to security and respect will never come through threats and illegal weapons.’ He also pledged punishment by the US and the UN Security Council.

He also said that as long as a nuclear threat existed, the US would retain its nuclear capability.

Since as long as there is nuclear power there is the threat of nuclear weaponry being produced, he was in reality saying that US imperialism will have these weapons for all time – as the world’s policeman.

The plain fact of the matter is that oppressed anti-imperialist nations have the right to have nuclear weaponry and advanced rocketry as long as they are threatened by the imperialist powers.

If they are not able to defend themselves they will be recolonised and enslaved once again.

There is only one road to nuclear disarmament. That is through disarming the imperialist powers with socialist revolutions. There is no other road.