NATO’s arms being exported from Libya to terrorists everywhere


THE NATO armed intervention that supported the Islamist revolt in Libya succeeded in murdering Colonel Gadaffi and smashed up the most advanced and prosperous country in Africa, placing various Islamist pro-imperialist factions into power.

NATO smashed an advanced country and poisoned its population through the use of depleted uranium weaponry.

NATO also provided a paradise for Islamic groups who divided up Libya into their various fiefdoms, and are now using the sale of Libya’s gas and oil resources to enrich themselves, while the Libyan masses have been driven back into living in the poverty that was their lot before the 1969 Green Revolution.

There is now no central Libyan government. There is a motley of militia states, each protecting ‘its property’ with NATO-provided arms in hand, as well as arms looted from the stocks built up by Colonel Gadaffi.

NATO Libya’s final great contribution to civilisation has been the export of large numbers of Islamist fighters to Syria and other places, along with NATO-supplied weapons that are now being used by terrorists everywhere.

A final report from the UN’s independent panel on Libya’s sanctions has named Libya as the primary source of the illegal weapons trade that is fuelling conflicts in at least 14 countries around the world.

In a briefing to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Monday, the Libya sanctions committee chair, Rwandan Ambassador Eugene Gasana, noted that the post-Gadaffi government has been unable to secure the country.

‘The panel noted that the control of non-state armed actors over the majority of stockpiles in Libya as well as ineffective border control systems remained primary obstacles to countering proliferation and that Libya had become a primary source of illicit weapons, including MANPADs (portable air defence systems),’ Gasana told the Council.

Unable to secure its borders, Libya has let weapons fall into the hands of radical elements on several continents, Gasana said.

‘Transfers to 14 countries reflected a highly diversified range of trafficking dynamics; and that trafficking from Libya was fuelling conflict and insecurity – including terrorism – on several continents,’ he said.

Three ports in the country are under full control of rebel groups. A special force has been ordered by the country’s parliament to ‘liberate’ all rebel-held ports from the NATO-armed militias.

The UN arms embargo was enacted on Libya at the start of the unrest which eventually ousted former leader Muammar Gadaffi. Last year, arms were allowed to enter Libya when the UNSC eased its sanctions as the UN cautioned Tripoli against the spread of weapons to nearby states.

The UN has insisted that exporting parties should bear the responsibility when supplying Libyan authorities with arms.

Ambassador Ibrahim Dabbashi told the Security Council: ‘Any request for approval for exporting weapons to Libya that is not done via the Libyan mission at the UN or with the knowledge of this mission would be considered a request from a party that does not belong to the Libyan government …’

‘The exporting party shall bear the responsibility for that before the Security Council,’ he added.

In the meantime, the head of the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) warned the 15-member body that Libya faces ‘the risk of embarking on a new trajectory of unprecedented violence.’

This is the handiwork of the NATO alliance, of Blair who convinced Gadaffi to ditch his wmds so that Libya could be opened up for invasion and regime change, and Cameron, Obama, and Sarkozy who armed the Islamist butchers and provided the air support that allowed them their victory and then spread terrorism throughout the region.

However, the resistance in Libya to NATO’s brigands is growing rapidly. The Libyan masses will not put up with the NATO-armed bandits for much longer,

A new Libyan revolution is developing, one that will be based on the working class ruling the country, and spreading the socialist revolution throughout North Africa and the Middle East.