Smash Imperialism To Get Rid Of Nuclear Weapons!


WORLD leaders at the Washington summit on nuclear security have heard the direst warnings yet from President Obama of the danger of nuclear materials falling into the wrong hands, such as Al-Qaeda who, we are told, would not hesitate to use them.

However, so far the only governments who have given the go-ahead to launch nuclear attacks are the US and UK governments. They organised the nuclear assault on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

Coincidentally, US President Obama, yesterday hosted the biggest international meeting of leaders in the US since 1945.

He greeted the leaders of nearly 50 countries, and heard the French President, Sarkozy declare that France was not prepared to give up its nuclear weaponry.

He was, however, able to welcome a Ukrainian government declaration that it would eliminate its stockpile of highly-enriched uranium by 2012.

The real purpose of the conference is to organise against the anti-imperialist states that have developed nuclear technology and have the potential to develop nuclear weapons.

These are North Korea, which declares that it has a viable nuclear weapon, and Iran which is trying to develop its nuclear potential so as to be able to provide electrical power throughout the country.

The conference is essentially an attempt at international fraud, and then international blackmail.

North Korea and Iran are not present at the conference.

Neither is the Israeli Premier Netanyahu. He is not there with the consent of the United States, because Israel has secret nuclear facilities and has between 200 and 300 nuclear bombs plus the means of delivery.

Obama and Netanyahu were afraid that Egypt and Turkey are going to demand that Israel allow the UN nuclear agency to visit and regularly inspect its nuclear facilities. Israel is determined to avoid such inspections at any cost.

Also, Obama and Netanyahu were afraid that some heads of state intended to propose that the Middle East be declared a nuclear bomb-free zone, and while Iran, and the Arab states would agree to this readily, and accept the inspection of all of their nuclear facilities, Israel would not.

Israel is opposed to a nuclear bomb-free Middle East, as is the United States, and the UK.

This is despite the fact that President Obama says that he wants to see a nuclear-free world.

Both the US and the UK are opposed to a nuclear-free Middle East since it would mean Israel surrendering or destroying its nuclear armament.

Israel and other US allies such as India and Pakistan have also been assisted by the US in acquiring and retaining nuclear weaponry.

The US anti-proliferation policy amounts to stating that while the US’ allies may acquire nuclear technology, anti-imperialist states must not, and to prevent this happening their nuclear industries have to be monitored and controlled by the US and its UN agencies.

Countries that want to develop their nuclear technology for peaceful purposes are to be kept backward, their development is to be halted, and policed, using the excuse that they may develop a nuclear weapon.

In Iran’s case it is being told that at the first sign that it does have this capacity, it will be bombed by Israel and the US, using small tactical nuclear weapons, no doubt.

The US and the UK and the other imperialist states are essentially trying to keep the emerging nations backward, all the better to exploit them and loot their oil, gas, and other mineral resources.

This is what they are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan and are threatening to do in Iran.

Their policy is state terrorism. This policy and its consequences is the organiser of the terrorist attacks that have taken place on the US and the UK, such as took place on September 11 2001.

The essential truth remains.

The only way to rid the planet of the threat of nuclear war, as well as of hunger and disease, is to overthrow capitalism and smash imperialism through the victory of the world socialist revolution. This requires the building of the Fourth International in every country.