Workers Revolutionary Party

Smash The Capitalist Police State – Forward With The Socialist Revolution

THE GUARDIAN NEWSPAPER yesterday reported that the UK police chiefs have formally asked the government to make it harder to investigate and prosecute officers, after the fatal shooting of Chris Kaba led to a Scotland Yard sergeant being acquitted of a murder charge.

This search for immunity from prosecution for police officers would hand them the right to kill suspects and thus do away with both troublesome individuals, and avoid troublesome and embarrassing trials effectively granting the police force immunity from prosecution and the power of life and death over ‘troublemakers’.

The Home Secretary Yvette Cooper is shortly due to chair a review of how police are held to account, which will no doubt turn out to be granting the police force immunity from prosecution.

This could of course greatly aid the UK’s police forces in such important tasks as doing away not just with the right to protest, but to the right to strike itself.

Demands have already been lodged with the government by the National Police Chief’s Council (NPCC) to make it harder to find officers guilty of unlawful killing at inquests, and also for the right for the accused to remain anonymous until conviction if charged with an offence committed exercising duties.

It is believed that the changes would cover all use of force while on duty, not just shootings, whilst also offering ‘greater protections’ for police drivers who injured members of the public or crashed.

Alongside the NPCC, the Met has also added calls for change. The change would cover all use of force while on duty, not just shootings, while also offering ‘greater protections’ for police drivers who injured members of the public or crashed.

As a minimum it has asked for the right of the accused to remain anonymous until conviction if charged with an offence committed exercising duties.

The Met has asked for anonymity for firearm officers as a minimum, and for all officers who face criminal charges resulting from their duties, until a jury return a guilty verdict.

Other demands that the police chiefs have submitted to the government are, making it harder for the Crown Prosecution Service to charge officers, with police chiefs proposing prosecutors would have to prove training or approved professional practice was not being followed before action.

Also demanded is changing the standard of proofs required for a verdict of ‘unlawful killing’, before the inquest into Chris Kaba, which is expected as early as next year.

Currently the ruling is on the ‘balance of probabilities’, the civil standard.

Police chiefs want rulings to be on the ‘criminal standard’: beyond reasonable doubt.

The Metropolitan Police Chief, Mark Rowley is demanding an anonymity for firearms officers.

Meanwhile the government announced yesterday afternoon that it will introduce a ‘presumption of anonymity’ for firearms officers subject to criminal trial following a police shooting in the course of duty up to the point of conviction.’

The issue is that the British police state, with all of its police powers, is being sharpened and hardened before our eyes and will be seen in action in the days ahead, to try to make sure that the working class remains in chains and will not be able to smash the capitalist state on its way forward to a workers government and socialism in the UK.

The above measures cannot be ignored or be wished away. The capitalist state is planning a civil war against the working class, to prevent it going forward socialism as part of the developing world socialist revolution.

Now is the time for the workers of the world and the workers of Russia and China to unite and to go forward to world socialism.

Capitalism is a completely bankrupt system, fit only to be dumped into the dustbin of history, as the working class goes forward to worldwide socialism.

There is not moment to lose. Forward to the victory of the world socialist revolution!

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