Victimisation At Carillion

GMB members and supporters outside the Great Western Hospital in Swindon yesterday to show their support for the Carillion workers
GMB members and supporters outside the Great Western Hospital in Swindon yesterday to show their support for the Carillion workers

Carillion workers were supported by Unite workers from Honda and BMW and officials from GMB yesterday lunch time, outside The Great Western Hospital in Swindon.

Carole Vallelly told News Line: ‘I am the GMB organiser for Swindon and Wiltshire and we are here to support ten GMB members who are being victimised for giving evidence which has exposed the alleged corruption within The Great Western Hospital.

‘These members should be protected under the Whistle Blower Act, but are in fact subject to disciplinary action which could lead to their dismissal.

‘Allegations have been made of money and goods being demanded from staff for jobs, extended leave, overtime or hours being changed.

‘One of the main people accused has had her resignation reluctantly accepted.

‘The MP Keith Vaz is coming down tomorrow evening for a private meeting with the Carillion Strikers.

‘We haven’t ruled out further strike action. The GMB will be talking to its members to find out their issues’.

A whistle blower who cannot be named to protect him or her from victimisation, said: ‘The Carillion strikers had 135 grievances. They have heard us.

‘But the conclusion of the grievances has backfired against the whistle blowers.

‘The company have issued disciplinaries against 10 of the whistle blowers, including myself.’

Rob Campbell, Unite Honda worker said: ‘We are here to show our support for the mistreated workers of Carillion who are being threatened with disciplinary action for whistle blowing the corrupt practice of their management.

‘The likes of Carillion and Honda like to exploit the young people because Swindon has its biggest ever youth unemployment.

‘The employers exploit the fact that Swindon has been the hardest hit by the recession.

‘Unemployment here used to be negligible’.

Andy Prendergast, senior officer for the GMB said: ‘I am here because of the way our members have been treated by Carillion in the hospital.

‘They rightly stood up against the bullying and harassment which they received on a daily basis and the company’s response has been to threaten them with disciplinary.

‘The fact that this can happened in the 20th century beggars belief’.