LABOUR Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer beat the war drums at the Scottish Labour Party Conference in Glasgow yesterday.
He said that ‘we can’t cling to the comfort of the past’ and pledged to massively increase defence spending , saying it’s time for Britain to ‘take responsibility’ for the security of Europe.
Speaking to a half-empty conference, which periodically rose to its feet and cheered him loudly with wild stamping of feet, Starmer said: ‘On the eve of the third year of Russian aggression in Ukraine, I know that this conference, indeed, the Scottish people, stand with the people of Ukraine.
‘Because, conference, peace only comes through strength. Nobody wants the bloodshed to continue, nobody. Least of all the Ukrainians.
‘But after everything that they have suffered, after everything that they have fought for, there can be no discussion about Ukraine without Ukraine. And the people of Ukraine must have a long-term secure future …
‘I’m proud that the yellow and light blue flutters on village halls the length and breadth of these islands. And I’m proud that we’ve shown once again that we are a nation that will not be cowed by threats or tyranny.
‘But as we enter a new phase in this conflict we must now deepen our solidarity even further. It’s not just moral urgency that demands this, it’s also in our national interest.
‘Russia already menaces our waters, our online spaces, even at times our streets. And the economic insecurity that the conflict has caused, the rising bills, the cost of living crisis, that will only continue unless we have a resolution that is fair and stable for Ukraine.
‘This is one of the great lessons of our history. Instability in Europe always washes up on our shores. And this is a generational moment.
‘I’ve been saying for some time that we Europeans, including the United Kingdom, have to do more for our defence and security.
‘The US is right about that. In this new era, we can’t cling on to the comfort of the past. It’s time to take responsibility for our security, our continent.
‘And I’m clear that Britain will take a leading responsibility. We have to be ready to play our role to defend Ukraine once a peace agreement is reached.
‘And we have to be ready to reshape our economy with industrial policy to stand up for Ukraine, to stand up for Europe, but most of all to stand up for our security, because Ukraine is vital to us.’